Gets to the point that I've had enough of clutter. It's not that we're slobs or anything. Well, depending on your definition of slobs. We're not lazy slobs. We're just lazy. Things pile up. My excuse is that this house is just not big enough for the JUNK we seem to accumulate. Mail that we really should read, just in case there are bills; newspapers that Id like to read, but never do; and little pieces of paper, and post-it notes. My desk is awash with little notes to myself, mostly about the book: return to Karaitiana as originally planned; how does Cassie FEEL about the new school; tha active ingredient in anexate is flumezanil; Metcalf disovers Coach Woods murdered ten years earlier. And so on. There are a zillion of them.
And cords. Cords are the bane of my life. I just have to LOOK at a cord and it gets tangled. Cords don't seem to be terribly efficient to me. Bring on the wireless generation I say. I have computer cords, battery charger cords, phone cords (even cordless phones have cords!!), USB cables, printer cables, digital camera cables (okay, that another USB cable), extension cords, audio and video cords. Arrgghh!!!! Cords!!! I hate them.
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