She may be a nice person (I doubt it though. Are there any "nice" movie stars?), but I'm really tired of seeing her held up as the standard for beauty. What is it? Her lips? Her eyes? I just don't think she's at all attractive, let alone the sexiest, most beautiful woman alive. There's nothing about her I would rate higher than just average. Moslty below.
1 comment:
You're right, Peter. Why do we let the media define beauty based on who the PR guys are wanting to promote? In our grandparents' day, there was someone for everyone, be you tall and thin, or short and stout - you were beautiful to someone out there - whereas nowadays the media says that certain looks are the ideal, and it is surprising how the general public have bought into it. Even the most ordinary among us refuse to "drop our standards" to accept less than what is deemed the ideal >>>
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