It's so easy to be cynical about so many things, and so often I just bite my tongue. But every now and then there comes a time when something so ridiculous screams out for criticism you just have to oblige.
The fashion industry is, as we know, not without its detractors. I hate the way hugely overweight designers look down their noses at any woman over 43 kilos or anyone wearing an item of clothing more than six hours old. Anybody who's seen The Devil Wears Prada can't help but hate the pretentious-cum-snooty-arrogance that underpins the whole business and despise anyone remotely involved with it. Who hasn't sniggered at the latest offerings from the catwalks and sweatshops of Paris et Milan?

So how can you not ROFL when, under the headline Cardigan Comeback, Vivienne Westwood would encourage a whole new generation of blokes to wear this little number?
It's a joke, right? Is she kidding? Cardigan? Can you imagine Colin Meads slipping that thing on to head out and milk the cows? Now that's something I'd like to see.
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