I will NOT be using the word FETISH (except in the tags to get traffic!). However, this feature is something we've enjoyed for ages. Every week when we got the SUNDAY Magazine, the Shoe of the Week page was one of the first things we looked at. And rated. Yes or No. Completely subjective.
So, I will endeavour to follow the Shoe of the Week here, and I'd be very interested in your thoughts, Yes or No, and feel free to justify your choice, especially if you disagree with me.
This week's shoe: YES
I also read the Sunday Magazine (and thank goodness its back after is xmas break) and always look at the shoes, though that is not what I first look at. Mine would be the page with the 'what are they doing now, look alike and good and bad'. The shoes and clothes when I get to them, only because I have never found any I like. I have however seen such outrageous shoes, I have taken the magazine into work to show friends.
But I digress. At a downtime at work, I copied and pasted your blog and photo into an email and sent to everyone in the department, yes the boss also.
It was amazing.. it was like everyone opened it at once and the noise in the department increased 120%, within 2 minutes the replies were flying back at me. I collated them to save you time, accepting them..It was a fun blog after a hard week, Thanks.
Sharleen - NO
Sheryl- A bit high for me I’d fall off them but not opposed to the style
Nic - Hell yeah I think they are funky and would wear them if I could :0)
Petrina - Been a practical kind of a gal I can’t see me wearing these to do the school run!! However on a runway model I’m sure they will look fab…
Phillipa - I like them not sure if id wear them tho ☺
Adrienne - If I had legs that were like a super model I wouldn’t care if they were hot or not…….but I like the rose pattern but not the style with the ankle loop strap they remind me of safety belts.
Kay - Yuk Yuk Yuk……..get my drift
Michelle - I don’t like them, don’t like the pattern!!If they were a different colour they could be mistaken for stripper shoes…
Jenn - Love them but they would not suit me – legs too bulky
Simon - I think they would go well with the leopard skin dress out of the Avon booklet.
Tom - very sexy, would love to see a woman wearing them.
Janine - Depends who is wearing them and what with??? But I think they are nice.
Sandy - I like them!!!!
Maria - Those are awesome as long as you never plan to wear them, ever, just use them as an ornament
Katie - think they’re absolutely gorgeous. I love the floral pattern and vintage is extremely in at the moment. Plus the straps at the front are really different. Definitely like them!
Mike - I have seen these shoes in a porn movie..why do the woman always wear shoes in a porn movie?
Dani - I love em.
Gail - Ankle breakers... NO
Some Answers actually surprised me as the yes's, were all ages! Some people were away, so you may get another post tomorrow..
hehe, cool replies... Kay - just to be clear, that's a NO for you? Simon - ouch on the Avon comment! (Tracey-Lee, don't look!); Maria, awww...come on. Dare ya! Mike - umm, thanks for the honesty! I could speculate on why they always wear shoes (at least, that's what Ive been told) but this is a family blog; Gail, there's always a risk to looking that good! Thanx all the other commenters too!
well when i was younger i definately would have worn them and as for the Avon dress - Hell yes - AS I SAID WHEN I WAS 18!
I want them... <3
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