How bout some photos instead?

After a photoshoot in Merivale recently (a bit x-rated so you may not get to see any of those! Oops...TMI) I decided since I was half way there, why not head out to the Waimak and catch the sunset. So I got there about 630 thinking the sun should be setting by about 730ish. Wrong. This pic was taken about 930 (despite what the timestamp says on Flickr), so there was a lot of standing around waiting for the sun to drop. But I got some good snaps and will put some up on Flickr next week.

And speaking of Akaroa, I spent the day there when I dropped Chris and his friends off, so I took a few snaps. I wasn't as impressed with Akaroa as I thought I would be, but I got some nice photos, which I will also put up on Flickr over the coming week/s.
Now, this may be a bit naughty, but I thought I might give you a preview of the photoshoot I did at Godley Head which culminated in having our car broken in to. I picked one of the photos to edit that I really liked. I hope Tracey doesn't mind me posting it here.

I'd love to know what you think of this photo. I'm still learning the craft of good portraits, and, remembering how incredibly fragile I am, I'd appreciate some/any feedback on this pic.
Now, off to the airport to get Nick.
I like the composition. Very album coverish I thought.
Anon Pip.
hmmm...true. maybe a back cover photo...
Three very different photos, showing how versatile you are. I like them all. Sounds like the next 12 days are going to be lot of fun for you and your family. Perhaps we may see a photos posted in your flickr site sometime over the next few weeks.
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