Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Onions Make Me Cry

Whether it’s the Internet specifically or the evolution of the English language in general, I’m hearing a lot of new words lately.

Remember when “email” was an odd word to use? When "Google" wasn’t even a word (except maybe for math nerds)? Well, now there are armies of clever people coming up with new words to describe/explain the human condition. Urban dictionaries have proliferated online, and as much as they’re everywhere (apparently), it takes a while to filter down to me, and now and then I’ll hear a new word and chuckle.

The latest is “adorkable”. I saw it used in a comment on this photo, and, of course, she is completely adorkable.

Adorkable, if it’s not already very self explanatory, is, according to Urban Dictionary, “Both dorky and adorable. A higher state of being all dorks strive towards.” “Dorky, yet strangely adorable.”

Now… I’m thinking I know some adorkable people. I could name names, but I’m not entirely sure it’s a desirable epithet. So I won’t. (But yes, I was thinking of you! You know who I’m talking about!!)

Tizzy… the onion girl… graciously agreed to let me use her photo, even tho I am holding her up as the poster girl for adorkable. In Tosh.0 style I could break down the photo to really cement the concept of adorkable… but I really just think the goggles speak for themselves.

And of course, to prove how behind the times I really am, there’s a whole Flickr group dedicated to adorkables, and it was a “growing group” 43 months ago! That’s like, 5 years or something. Okay, my maths suck… I only worked in a bank for 30 years! Call me adorkable!

Actually… it may not be such a bad epithet after all. Who do you know that's adorkable?


Anonymous said...

My ex-husband. If I knew he had a word to explain his condition, i would never have left him!

MadKat said...

Why Peter...YOU are adorkable ;P

peter said...

coming from you I know that's a compliment

Unknown said...

Haha, I know some very adorkable people. : )

Art Mama said...

I got so sidetracked by flickr! Yes, indeed you're adorkable. Being adorkable is very nice thing to strive for, methinks.

peter said...

dare I say you both (carla and artymama) were on my list?

Anonymous said...

cool word, I like it. Must remember it for future use.

Tirzah said...

I do believe it was one of my kids that suggested I use the goggles. They worked pretty well too. I love combining words, but I'm also kind of a nerd. Adorkable only sums up part of me. ;)

peter said...

nerdiful? nerdgous?

Maggie Le Page said...

Adorkable. Love it. :) And, actually, when I really think about it, I know LOADS of Adorkables. Adorkables rule! What's wrong with adorkable, anyway?