You lose a little bit of interest and start thinking outside the square.
I read a thing on the Internet (so it must be true) recently about how now that there are so many cameras around, a lot of people have started missing big events. Specifically, it was about weddings, and the reason many people were "missing" the event was because they were too busy checking their camera screen, settings, etc and the event passed them by. Sure they were there, and they had some photos of it for posterity (hopefully). But they couldn't actually remember much of the specifics of the ceremony. They were to busy recording it and waiting for that one special moment to take a photo of.

I'm one of them. I didn't "see" the building come down with my own eyes. I watched it in my LCD screen. And, of course, it was over in less than ten seconds and all that was left was the memory of it on my SD card and in my ears. So I got to taking some sneaky photos of as many cameras that were around me as I could, being a bit bored and knowing that every man and his dog would have photos of the actual implosion as good as or better than mine.
It intrigues me how technology has changed the way we do things. There were photos and video of the implosion on Facebook before I got back to my car. Admittedly I hung around a bit (taking photos of people taking photos), but still. Within ten minutes the whole event was online and going global.
So, in light of there being a million photos of this mornings implosion out there somewhere, I am proud to present my mornings work. I call it:
Photos of people taking photos moments after the Implosion.
I'd like to think this was a unique idea, but I just saw on Facebook a photo of a camera taking a photo of the implosion, so pretty much I should have just stayed in bed this morning.
RIP Radio Network House
1 comment:
Good thinking!!.. glad you thought to work outside the imploding square! ....
and you are SO right about not seeing things as you are peering through your lens. I went on a whale watch trip once..there was this giant fish tail flipping in front of my eyes.. well my LENS... )-: Got sea sick just to show everyone my postcard-like photos. But in saying that... you would have cringed forever if you just watched the building fall, as there was certain skill was in capturing it unfuzzily, mid-crash. That's what all the other photogs were tryin' to do. Bet they didn't get the scooter poodle shot! ... the best.
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