The planning for the next Addington Cup Day starts pretty much the day after the current one finishes. There are a million people (slightly exaggerated) involved but my point of contact has been the beautiful Charlotte Mooney of Addington Events Centre. We had a bit of a debrief the other day and I got a little insight into just what she has to deal with in the organisation and execution of your average run of the mill Cup Day. Except, this year was not your average run of the mill Cup Day. It was bigger and better and more specifically focussed.
Well done Charlotte!
Photographically, Cup Day must be one of the funnest days of the year. Rarely do you get such a concentration of gorgeous, snazzily dressed people. It never ceases to astound me how many gorgeous people there are in our city! I know such things are very subjective, but for me, with so many gorgeous people on display, whether in the competitions or in the public areas, it might be prejudicial at best to single anyone out. But I will anyway.
If I could be caught swooning it was mostly over this daring little number (the dress, I mean, though the model is gorgeous too!). I never thought it had a chance (as one dear, elderly patron told me, anything off the shoulder is totally inappropriate for the races!), but I loved it nonetheless. And it did make it to the final.

The winner of Best Dressed Lady (right). I actually really liked it too!
With so many beautiful people on stage it's still impossible to ignore the other 22000 beautiful people not competing in the fashion stakes.
And lest the impression be left that it's all about the ladies (even though it really is!) the guys are definitely not backward in coming forward to give the girls a run for their money.
I had a very special assignment for the afternoon. I got to hang out with The Ridges. Of course, not that much hanging out took place. They were swamped with adoring fans and full on the whole afternoon. But we managed to get a few snaps.
Colin Mathura-Jeffree is a regular attraction at Cup Day, and I've never been ashamed of the little man-crush I have on him. And I have to say that the Ridges were thoroughly charming and engaging, and so accommodating with the crowds who demanded their attention and a photo-opp. There will be more photos of The Ridges on the Addington page any day now.
THEN! Yesterday was another racing day at Addington. It was Lindauer Race Day, a more family oriented low key affair. But just as much fun! Jordan Luck entertained between races and rocked the crowd. What a showman.
And wouldn't you know it - it's Race Day, and MORE beautiful people!!!!
The collective sigh of relief was palpable Wednesday morning. Another Cup Day done and dusted and, from the fringe outside, it appeared to go swimmingly. More credit to Charlotte and the team! Do check out the photos on the Addington Facebook page. We'll be adding more over the next few days and weeks. Bernard and Gudrun did a fantastic job and took thousands of awesome photos!! Thanks guys...pleasure working with you :)
Great blog promoting our bestest Christchurch show-pony event. you made everyone look great too.. in your pics - as I'm sure their must have been more than a few bloopers (and bloomers).
Therefore its safe to go next year and make a silly filly of yourself (-:
I think the Ridges are great! As is Colin. I love the photo of the seven women posing - especially second from the left in the baby pink babydoll, and of course who could not love how the way the women in the red dress is working it. Thanks for sharing this glamourous event!
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