there’s something cathartic about writing a blog post on january the first, especially if you haven’t written a blog post for a while. is it kind of twee to note that this in no way constitutes the result of a new year’s resolution?
however, in the spirit of a new year’s resolutionesque mindset, i thought i might put on record a list of things i’d like to accomplish in 2011. please feel free to hold me accountable for any of these three hundred and sixty six days from now.
in no particular order, i’d like to… no, i will :
start, and feel good about, writing a classic novel
sort and edit the four thousand or so photos i have waiting to be edited in my “to be edited” folder (to be fair, only about a thousand need “editing”)
throw myself into my wordies’ project, a photographic/literary expose
put celia to bed. or in the bin.
reconnect with my wife.
take the perfect photo
blog more
get more involved in my son’s school, and help rebuild it after 4/9
write more meaningfully and not care whether it’s read or not
spend two years living at walden pond (okay, that one’s a stretch)
use as few capital letters as is literarily acceptable
take some half decent photos
write the several articles i have ideas for in my mind.
offer said articles to real publishers, and feel better about calling myself a writer
hug more
tomorrow, this list will have evolved. it may have even desolved. these things, however, have been fermenting in my mind and if i don’t make them a reality i’m going to go nuts, or at the very least be more pissed off.
several people have suggested 2010 sucked, and i can see their point. but for some reason i feel deeply satisfied with how my 2010 went, and despite numerous lows and turns on the roller-coaster, right now i feel excited about 2011. one of my failings, however, is an ability to be tossed about by every wind of calamity and personality. i need to be more solid. i need to be more confident in my ability and my purpose. i need to take charge of my own destiny (if it's not too late).