At the risk of being called obsessive – but lets face it, as you'll see I’ve been called worse – the evolution of the Boycott continues at a staggeringly dull pace, and I simply feel compelled to update those of you who may not give enough of a “monkey’s bumhole”, (a phrase carefully constructed by one of the Beyonders with an IQ slightly higher than the average on that page of 74) to go have a look.
And evolution might be the right word. As many believe that slugs crawled out of swamps, put clothes on and started calling themselves homo-sapiens, a similar dynamic has been taking place on the Beyond the Boycott page (whose principle members hijacked another Boycott page). Out from the swamp of hypocrisy and delusion, not a few slugs have crawled. They have put on the robes of judge, jury and executioner and called themselves righteous.
“Beyond” is a great epithet, too, because to the casual observer the members have indeed moved “Beyond” caring about the Kahui twins, if that ever was what they really cared about. Rarely are the twins mentioned. Now the hard core page members prefer to share stupid pictures with even stupider clichés printed on them, stolen, no doubt from the toilet walls of cyberspace; stroke each others egos with exclamations of praise when all they’ve done is managed to pull a few posts out of the SPAM folder or hurl particularly nasty abuse at Ian Wishart’s daughter; or giggle and hee hee at how clever they think they are because they only have “intelligent conversations” on their page.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen anything clever on either page that wasn’t written by a book supporter.
But apparently there are now grander issues to posture over. Like a few dead birds on the Bay of Plenty coast, or whatever other trendy outrage is circling Internet chatrooms.
And, of course, the favoured pastime of calling the book supporters' names continues. They have a special talent for vilifying the author of the book, Ian Wishart, but in their hypocrisy seem to ignore the fact that they are themselves guilty of the things they claim he has done. And the fact that he hasn’t actually done half of what they say he has makes them twice the children of hell they think he is.
Now, lest I be further accused of any bias, we book supporters continue to give what we get with the name-calling, finger-pointing and the giggling. But some have likened reading the Beyond pages to staring into a cage of monkeys at the zoo. It’s disgusting and it smells bad, but you just can’t help taunt the imbecilic creatures playing with their privates and staring blankly back at you.
And lest I be even further accused – as accusation is the hallmark of the paranoia that now seems to pervade nearly every thread on the Beyond pages…everyone’s facebook account is being hacked, threads and comments are being reported or sent to the spam folder, every profile is fake – of being one-sided and partial, let me dispel any speculation. Of course I am!! It’s my blog. Blogs like this are supposed to be one-sided and partial. I’d LOVE to see one of the Beyonders blogs. I’m sure it would be just as one-sided (unless it was some attempt at PC bullshit, as is common on the Beyond page). But I won’t hold my breath as most of them struggle to put full sentences and thoughts together. That’s my impression. But I have been told many times that my writing sucks. So, who knows.
Of course, some of them are handy with Google. It didn’t take them long to track my blog and websites down. Perhaps if I had known early on that I would be targeted by such nasty angry people, I would have done as many of them have done and set up a few fake profiles and pages, just to avoid having to deal with the threats and the attempts to have my blog shut down and the stalking and harassing behaviour some of them have exhibited. Oh well. Hindsight eh? Who knew there were unbalanced nasty people still allowed to live freely in society?
I was going to put up a whole string of screenshots of posts. There was some talk of the legality of such a thing, but I had a lovely chat with a lady at the Privacy Commission who assured me that, basically, if it’s in the public domain it’s fair game.
So I wasn’t really surprised when something from my personal Facebook wall turned up on the Beyond pages. For a while there seemed to be an unwritten rule that personal walls were off limits, but as with any war someone eventually gets around to breaking those rules in the hunt for whatever they can use to gain some advantage, even if it’s just to feel better about their sad, lonely lives.
Ironically, it was an “anonymous” page administrator (even though we all know who it is) that took one of my posts and circulated it round the Boycott pages. For all their crowing about fake and anonymous profiles, they sure have a few themselves. But hypocrisy and irony are generally lost on them as one rule for them but not us is the prevailing governing ideal.

Hypocrisy much?
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To be fair this comment seems to have been deleted. But that could only be because I reported it as abusive |
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I apologise if this refers to someone else who should also be thrown into the oil slick |
I love the way you can turn a slug into an intelligent blog. Wishart is lucky to have you as his crusader. You've identified the unfortunate hypocritical tangled web boycotters are strangling in. I enjoy your wit and wisdom. Long live freedom of speech.
BUT yes you will open yourself up to retaliation...but that's what you wanted ??!
You were being playful in a way in your blog was sort of literary i thought....does HAVE to be straight up to the fucking point just to please them.
You are not making a dick pf yourself...they SO want you to think that..they are JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS
If people don't like what they read about themseles, dont give the ammo to make it possible to be written about in the perspective they are recieved by with their comments. I have found the blogs to be a very concise perspective that I also share. Initially I did find a few comments that bugged me but hey, its someone elses opinion and in the whole scheme of things..I couldnt give a shit what someones else says about me when they have no impact whatsoever upon my life other than in a virtual world. I havent ever written anything I regret writing nor have been concerned about being taken in the wrong context. I know some people wont like what I say, thats too bad. Its how I see it and it is fair and just without resorting to abuse to get my view and perspective across. I think the moral of the story is: If you dont like how you see yourself portrayed through your very own words, then dont open your mouth.
That's the problem for them, I think. They don't like being shown for what they really are. There is no "context" required when you quote someone calling you a dick. Even if I WAS being a dick, the fact remains she called me a dick, which shows her true class. So many of their statements begin with a sentiment like "I don't usually swear..." but they then go on to deliver a long line of expletives. As if presaging it by saying they don't normally swear excuses it and somehow makes it more acceptable or more noble. fuck that. if you're gonna swear, just do it. don't feel guilty about it. "I'm not a violent person" BUT I'd really like to punch that guy, or throw him into an oil slick! yeah right.
I just want to say as a supporter of the book I finally had a chance to visit the facebook group regarding the book and was appalled by the manner of behaviour shown by the supporters. such negativity (yes I did have a look at the boycott page) sure the boycotters have their little yak about the supporters but they dont go to the extent the supporter group do. It is about time everyone grow up and move on
Forgive me if I don't believe your claim of being a supporter or your apparent motive for posting. however, i disagree and by and large I have moved on. Don't know if I've grown up tho
You can believe what you want all I know is I have bought the book read the book and found it to be a must read I do not see what all the fuss is about over a book I fully supported the release of the book I just chose not do what everyone else does these days and go onto FB and crow about it. Good to hear you have moved on (although I am curious as to what you mean by move on) things need to move foward and not sit in first gear all the best
The fuss is not about the book, it is more about people and their attitudes. I have moved on in that while early on I thought there was some value to what was being said and done; then it just got stupid; now it's just a joke and IMO the boycotters are the most pathetic closed-minded petty nasty people I've ever encountered. But unfortunately they represent a large segment of how society thinks. You think the supporters' behaviour has been "worse". That's just your opinion and I think you're wrong.
I've moved on in that I don't feel the urge to comment as much as I used to. I've moved on in that the boycott failed to do what it wanted to do; I've moved on in that I really don't care what other people think about it, or me.
You say you have moved on in the fact that you dont feel the need to comment as much as you used to yet It has been brought to my attention that although you may not be using your own profile to comment you are using a public page to constantly comment to me that is not moving on the fact you are pointing out whats going on over at the other pages is and it just proves that the supporters are worse yes there is in bickering on the beyond page but you guys feel the need to make fun of it again I fail to see you moving on IMO
Yes John, but its easily demonstrated that your "opinion" is as whack as any of the boycotters on a number of things. You've tried to harass me via Facebook posts, Facebook Private Messages, emails, and now you're attempting to continue that harassment via this blog. I accept that you disagree with me, and that you may not even like me. You know what? I don't care.
I continue to read the pages dedicated to the book, both supporters and boycott pages. I still comment. "Moving on" does not simply mean I've moved away. I just dont take it as seriously as I did a few months ago, and I don't feel the need to address every stupid comment (God knows that's a full time pursuit!) or inaccuracy.
Bickering on the Boycott pages? I think you are trying to minimise what's actually going on, but that is the hallmark of the deluded. The boycotters frequently accuse supporters of horrible things, but steadfastly ignore their own actions. it's not a matter of "better" or "worse". That's so immature, John, but that's what I would expect of you and many of the boycotters.
I've posted your comments here in the spirit of free speech - remember that? - but I won't be engaging you any more on this page or any other (any more messages to this blog will not be posted), and I reiterate what I said to you in an email recently. If you continue to harass me in any way, I will not hesitate to advise whatever authorities necessary.
Peter would like to point out my name is not John if you really need to know it's Morgan so you really need to get your facts straight before guessing
Thanks "Morgan" I apologise that I interpreted the SAME argument, the SAME phraseology, the SAME tactics, and most interestingly the SAME lack of punctuation in your posts as wannabe writer/music aficionado John Anderson exhibits in all his facebook posts and even in his "articles" (along with his other fake profiles on Facebook). Clearly my bad.
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