Friday, June 06, 2008

it just sounds right

You know how something “just sounds right”?

I don’t know why these things “just sound right.” Preconceptions? Subconscious? Past lives? Prejudices?

In religious circles there is a thing called the argument from silence. This simple philosophical trickery has created two diametrically opposed schools. One school says “because the bible is silent on this matter it must be permissible.” Easy. The other school, however, believe the opposite. “Because the bible is silent on this matter it must be forbidden.” Easy?

Families have split over this issue. The bible commands “sing to the Lord.” Simple enough, you’d think. However, can singing to the Lord include musical accompaniment? According to one school, absolutely. To the other, absolutely not.


Two rational, educated, honest, sincere individuals can read that scripture and come to completely opposite conclusions about it.

Jesus was silent about homosexuality. (Paul wasn't, tho)

I watched the thing on climate change the other night, the response to The Inconvenient Truth. How the two schools can be so opposed on the issue when making conclusions about the evidence staggers me. I’m not a scientist so I can’t really speak intelligently about the specifics. But, just as it sounds right to me that the argument from silence affirms the permissible, what sounds right to me is that in the entire expanse of the vast universe, our piddly little offering of CO2 (.04%?) cannot be responsible for the climate change supposedly going on now.

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