Friday, November 06, 2009

Freedom of Speech

Hone Harawira has the right to say (or write) what he likes about "white mo-fos".

We know he hates white people. We know he's a loose cannon. We know he's a racist idiot. That's not news. And it's certainly not anything that many many Maori in New Zealand think. If you want to say he's ignorant, then go ahead. His comments will surely not advance race relations in this country. But that's not his concern. He and his ilk have no interest in advancing race relations in New Zealand. Him and many of his bros would be out of a job if there were no animosity between Maoris and Pakehas. His comments are politically dangerous because an incresing number of people, Maori and Pakeha, are calling for his head. On a plate, preferably. So if he wants to keep troughing on the public tit, he needs to be a bit more careful.

But I totally think he has the right to say what he thinks.

I do wish a white person in this country could say the same thing about Maoris. But that's not going to happen, at least if they want to avoid jail. But the harsh reality in New Zealand is that Maori can say and do things that Pakeha cannot.

I don't think he should go. I like him. I totally disagree with every single thing he thinks and says about Maori. But I like him.


Anonymous said...

Well, he can say what he likes. But I find it offensive and I will be making a formal complaint. I always suspected that what he said was the kaupapa of the Maori party, and the way a lot of people think but you can't complain about people's attitudes. However, you can complain about words like that, and I will be.

peter said...

I totally agree. The essence of free speech is that while you can say whatever you like, you also have to accept that others can say what they like, including objecting to what you said!